All News and Articles
Business News
Green Economy: The Push For Sustainability in Singapore
With the push for sustainability, green professionals are in high demand. Foreigners can seize job and business opportunities to live long-term in Singapore.
Work Pass
Demand for Carbon Professionals & Its Implications on Immigration
Carbon professionals are in high demand. How does this affect Singapore’s workforce, business opportunities, and inbound immigration?
Business News
Growth of e-Payment Systems in Singapore & Its Effects
How does the growth of e-payment systems affect businesses, residents & Singapore immigration? Call +65 6493 1830 for Tech.Pass enquiries.
Work Pass
New COMPASS Framework for Employment Pass Application
EP application using the new Compass Framework to take effect from Sep 1 2023. All employers and candidates need to know this new change to EP applications.
Business News
Singapore Immigration – A Comprehensive Guide For Foreigners
A complete guide to Singapore immigration for foreigners who wish to work and live in the country long-term. Call +65 6493 1830 for enquiries.
Social Integration
Food Distribution For Chinese New Year by IASG
Immigration@SG did a food distribution drive to the elderly for Chinese New Year as part of our CSR to give back to the community.
PR & Citizenship
Learning From Japan’s Shrinking Population
Japan’s population is shrinking. What can Singapore learn about the importance of immigration from this? Learning From Japan’s Shrinking Population In 2021, Japan’s population shrank
Business News
Setting Up A Business in Singapore
Setting up a business in Singapore can reap many benefits. Call +65 64931830 or email to for full-serviced business incorporation.
Work Pass
Commentary: Bonus Points for Employment Pass Approvals
With the new COMPASS framework, EP applicants may be eligible for bonus points for their Employment Pass approvals in the Shortage Occupation List (SOL).
Business News
Medtech Companies In Singapore Are More Important Than Ever
Asia’s growing economy, ageing populations and regional diseases represent huge potential for AI in advanced medtech. How does it benefit people in Singapore?
Work Pass
Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass)
Immigration@SG offers Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass) application service to eligible candidates. Call +65 64931830 to book a consultation.