Singapore Citizenship for Young Malaysian

Singapore Citizenship for Young Malaysian
Young Malaysian woman decided to become a Singapore Citizen after her parent's divorce. Having lived in Singapore all her life, Singapore is the only home she knows of.

Singapore Citizenship for Young Malaysian

Application Details

Gender Female
Country of Origin Malaysia
Ethnicity Malay
Education Diploma in Applied Science
Occupation Cargo Officer in Logistics Industry
Social Integration Regular blood donations
Number of Years in SG 21 Years
Reason for Application Born to a Malaysian father and Singaporean mother, the applicant decided to become a Singapore Citizen after her parent’s divorce.

Citizenship Application Challenges: Low Salary, Single Status, Lack of Financial Portfolio

  1. The applicant is a low income earner.
  2. She is young and unmarried. She has the perception that it is easier for families to be granted Singapore Citizenship as the government has a pro-family stance.
  3. She has basic life insurance but not much savings and investment.

Profile Attractiveness Score – 70%

Disclaimer: Please note that this scoring system and analysis is only based on IASG’s knowledge, expertise, and past experiences handling client cases. This is in no way a standard metric to be used to gauge Singapore Citizenship approvals. IASG is not liable for any consequences of the usage of this scoring system and analysis by any person.

Talent & Industry Representation – 66%

At just 21 years old, the applicant started her career in the logistics industry. Working since she was 19 years old, she has been at her current role for 3 years and is already a senior officer. Since the logistic industry is a stable contributor to Singapore’s GDP, being in this industry is a good choice. With recent investments by big firms, the industry is set for future growth and more jobs is expected to be created from 2024 onwards.

The applicant revealed that her dream job is to become a paramedic, a job that she finds fulfilling. However, due to its sensitive nature handling emergency and traumatic medical situations, only Singaporeans can hold this job. She hopes to pursue this career once she gets her Singapore Citizenship. Medical workers are always in demand in Singapore and this is a good industry to be in as well.

Financial Stability & Grounding in Singapore – 31%

The applicant earns a low starting salary so she does not have a good financial standing. She does have a basic insurance plan but she does not have much savings and investment. However, she is still very young and has time to build her financial portfolio, especially as she builds her career.

Social Integration Efforts – 92%

Her busy work schedule makes it difficult for her to take some time out to do volunteer work and it is also not possible for her to make regular monetary donations due to her financial situation. The applicant has been donating blood regularly prior to her Citizenship application. Given her strong need to help others, her regular blood donations shows her giving and caring character. This is in line with her passion to become a paramedic.

Apart from giving back to the local society, the applicant was born to a Singaporean mother and her two younger siblings are both Singapore Citizens by birth. She has lived all her life in Singapore and went to public schools in Singapore as well. Her friends and family members are locals so she is definitely blended into the society.

Age & Nationality Demographics – 92%

The applicant is a very young woman who was born in Malaysia, a country that is not only geographically close to Singapore but also shares similar food, culture, languages, religions, and customs. Even though she was born in Malaysia, she has been brought up in Singapore and has lived here all her life and she is well accustomed to the Singaporean lifestyle.

IASG’s Case Analysis & Strategy

Profile Background

This is not the first time that the applicant has applied for Singapore Citizenship. She applied on her own in 2017 but got rejected. It has been 4 years since and she decided to try again. After doing some research on immigration agencies, she came to IASG for help. During the first consultation, our consultant found that the applicant seemed anxious about getting her Citizenship approved. Her parents had recently divorced and being close to her mother, she wanted to continue living in Singapore and be with her. It is important for her to get her application right this time round and get her Citizenship approved.

Addressing Her Concerns

The applicant told our consultant her concerns, namely, her low salary, her status as an unmarried person, and her weak financial standing as a whole. She felt that these might affect her chances in getting her Citizenship approved. Our consultant did a thorough analysis of her profile and addressed her concerns immediately. Due to her young age and educational qualification, it is understandable that she is earning a low income, resulting in her weak financial standing. Also being in her early 20s, it is expected that she is unmarried. The consultant assured her that while these concerns are valid, these are not dealbreakers for her Singapore Citizenship application. Our consultant then moved on to focus on her profile strengths and use them as the focal point in her application. The applicant felt relieved after the explanation and more confident to proceed.

Strength of Character

Something that our consultant found interesting was her passion in helping others. This was apparent when she mentioned her dream of becoming a paramedic, a job where she can help save lives. Her commitment to donate blood regularly also aligns with her dream job. Even though she has yet to achieve her career goal, our consultant decided to portray the quality of her character and dedication to save lives in her application.

Singapore Citizenship Application Result: Approved within 14 Months!

After 14 months, the applicant received her Singapore Citizenship. She felt relieved and ecstatic at the same time. She can now pursue her career and live her life in Singapore freely.

Testimonial for Kenneth, Manager, Lead Consultant

I am so thankful to Kenneth, who took the time to find out about my background and future aspirations and use them in my application. I believe he had made my profile stand out and that’s why my application got approved! I am so grateful and appreciate all the help from Kenneth and the IASG team!

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