EP Minimum Qualifying Salary to be Raised to 3900 USD

EP Minimum Qualifying Salary
Effective from 1 May 2020, the Ministry of Manpower Singapore (MOM) will be adjusting the Employment Pass or EP minimum qualifying salary for foreign professionals to $3,900 per month (from $3,600 presently). This is in part due to the tightening of rules for hiring foreign workers as part of efforts to assure Singaporeans that they are competing on a level playing field.


EP Minimum Qualifying Salary to be Raised to 3900 USD

This issue of maintaining a balanced approach in hiring foreign talent to complement Singapore’s manpower requirement was debated in parliament recently. As inbound Singapore immigration specialists, we are fortunate to be in a position to analyse the situation from both sides.


Raising the Minimum Qualifying Salary

Within the hallowed halls of parliament, the discourse surrounding this matter underscores the nation’s commitment to addressing its workforce demands in a judicious and measured manner. The objective lies in harnessing the advantages brought by foreign talent while simultaneously safeguarding the interests and opportunities for the local populace. The complexity of this task cannot be underestimated, as it involves intricately balancing the aspirations of a globalised economy with the welfare of indigenous citizens.


IASG’s Unique Position as Immigration Specialists

Drawing from our vantage point as seasoned Singapore immigration specialists, we have the privilege of analysing this matter from both ends of the spectrum. Our unique perspective grants us insights into the perspectives of both the prospective immigrants and the local community. This dual lens enables us to comprehend the intricate dynamics at play – the aspirations of individuals seeking opportunities in Singapore, juxtaposed with the nation’s need to maintain social cohesion and economic progress.

As advocates for informed decision-making, we recognise that a nuanced understanding of these dynamics is essential. The intricacies of this discourse are not confined to mandatory criteria alone, but extend to encompass the qualitative dimensions of cultural assimilation, skill transfer, and sustainable growth. This vantage point equips us to provide not only pragmatic guidance to those aspiring to join Singapore’s community but also to contribute constructively to the ongoing national conversation regarding immigration and workforce development.

In a world characterised by mobility and interconnectedness, our role as inbound Singapore immigration specialists extends beyond mere facilitation; it encompasses fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between global talent mobility and local progress. Through our analyses and consultations, we endeavor to bridge the gap between policy and reality, ensuring that Singapore’s immigration framework remains adaptable, inclusive, and responsive to the evolving needs of the nation and its diverse populace.


How Will This Impact Singapore Permanent Residence / Citizenship Application?


Having been in the industry and equipped with the intricacies of all inbound Singapore immigration policies, we have opined that :

  1. The tightening of EP and S-Pass issuance will create more employment opportunities for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents
  2. We can expect higher quality professionals in the talent pool –  only very highly qualified and specialised professionals for the respective industries and roles will be granted pass approvals
  3. We could be looking at an increase in PR and Citizenship approval quotas – to convert the talent pool from existing pass holders to Permanent Residents and/or Citizens. This is so that Work Passes can be issued to talent that Singapore is truly lacking in.


How Will This Impact Current Expats in Singapore?


Expatriates who do not fulfill the new EP minimum qualifying salary might not be able to renew their current work passes once it has expired. They may be able to qualify for an S-Pass, however, this is subject to the company’s available quota for S-Pass holders. In order to be able to continue working in Singapore, it is advisable that those who will be affected by the policy change to apply for a Singapore Permanent Residency. The Singapore Permanent Residency offers flexibility and freedom in career opportunities.

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